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Mods: BackPacks

Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.10.2
not rated yet
Organizer: N247S

last update: 18:22, 06.09.2016
Website | Versions

This is a rewrite of MigthyPorks Backpack Mod. Unfortunately he no longer supports this mod. But he put all his code to the net so others can resurrect it. This is nearly a 100% rewrite of the old mod because the old code was extremely dirty and this is a version for Forge.


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Icons made by Egor Rumyantsev (thumbs up/ down) &
by Freepik (magic wand, wrench, half star, bar chart reload, passage of time) &
by Dave Gandy (sort by alphabet, sort by attributes, code fork symbol, Vertical resizing option)