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Mods: MoarSigns

Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.10.2
not rated yet
Organizer: CreativeMD

last update: 18:15, 06.09.2016
Website | Versions

MoarSigns adds a lot of signs based on wood and metal from other mods.

Installing this mod alone you only will get the vanilla plank types of signs and the vanilla metals. 
Installing supported mods will make it possible to use the signs with woods types or metal types from those mods.

The crafting of the signs are easy. Use the plank you want and create it like a normal sign, you will get 3 signs of it. For the metal signs it's a bit different, 
you can use nuggets of the metal type you want which will give you 1 sign
if you use ingots of the metal type you want you will get 9 signs, for now just use a normal stick.


You can place the sign flat on the ground by shift right-click it, you can also place it on the underside of a block.


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