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Mods: CMDCam (optional)

Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2
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Organizer: CreativeMD

last update: 20:09, 01.01.2020
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Another camera mod, really? Come on ...


I have been using the Camera Studio mod for a long time, but there were a few things missing. So i decided to write my own camera mod for private use. Including a way to zoom in & out (which works like camera rolling) and an 'outside' mode to allow you to control your player and be the camera at the same time. You can even interact with the world while being on camera. I also added camera following objects, like yourself, other entities or specified block positions.


  • smooth camera paths
  • roll rotation
  • zooming
  • 'outside' mode (be camera & actor at the same time)
  • following targets
  • display path

Feel free to suggest more features.


Press 'P' for adding a point.

Press 'U' to start the animation (default time is 10 seconds)

/cam add [number] register a point at the current position.

/cam start  starts the animation using the given time.

/cam clear delete all registered points.
/cam goto  teleports to the given point.
/cam set  updates point to current location.
/cam remove  removes the given point.
/cam target  set the camera target. If you leave it empty, right click an entity or a block to mark the target.
/cam mode  set current mode
/cam interpolation  set the camera interpolation. hermite interpolation is default.
/cam follow-speed  sets the camera follow speed (targets), default is 1.0.

Press 'V' to zoom in, 'N' to zoom out and 'B' to reset the zoom.

Press 'G' to roll left, 'J' to roll right and 'H' to reset the roll.

/cam show linear,cosine,cubic,hermite> shows the path using the given interpolation

/cam hide linear,cosine,cubic,hermite> hides the path using the given interpolation



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